Our Mission


One day we will open the doors to an animal sanctuary, rescue & cruelty-free, creative oasis: Peace Pointe.

Secondary to the goal of finding animals loving homes and promoting cruelty-free living, but almost as important to us, is bringing together a community of animal-loving people and neighbors. You will be able to rest easy here knowing that everything being sold will be from local small businesses who care about their impact on nature and animals. Workers will share in profits, so that the goal of kindness and community always remains at the forefront.

The Rescue will focus on building families, not just ‘placing pets’. Once you adopt from Peace Pointe  you are forever in our family and will always find the help and support you need as you embark on animal parenthood or stewardship. The natural spaces will serve as wildlife refuge and pollinator sanctuaries. The companion animals we love so much are brothers and sisters to all animals, just as they are to you and I. We hope for each Peace Pointe location to serve a safe space for local wildlife and those who wish to conserve their role in nature.

The Cafe and the Bar & Brewery will be a space for local artists, musicians, and craftsmen to show off their talents, reach a compassionate audience, and color the atmosphere as people enjoy cruelty-free drinks and snacks.

The Library and The Studio, will host read-alongs & signings with local authors & illustrators, hopefully creating fun memories for young readers while also showing them the value and possibilities of pursuing creativity. It would be wonderful to have local therapy-dog-teams come and read with children who struggle in various ways- giving them confidence and helping them grow an appreciation for animals as individuals. We dream of foster care or therapy programs where children, adults and animals can help each other through kindness and service. Children can experience yoga, martial arts, rock climbing, hiking, art lessons, book clubs, and more, all run by local professionals.

Local artists will be welcome to promote their nature-friendly work, while building a community with other artists. Food trucks and small businesses can use the space to sell their vegan-friendly food. Food-shares and Community Kitchens for those in need will be nourished and easily accessible. Local families needing medical care for their animals could rely on our contributors to keep their families together - while keeping our collective peace. We believe animals are people, and that we all deserve to live and thrive in peace.

Peace Pointé will be a place for Kindness and Community. Come to adopt an animal companion, join us to learn, or serve the community, read at the library, watch a movie in the theater, stay for a meal or volunteer to walk a dog waiting for his or her home through the park and its reserved natural spaces.

With Peace In Mind,

-Morgan Sarah Spicer & Zachary Brown
